Download ZGEMMA-cfe-20141118-(old-ver) original version DL_CREATED: This download was added on 5 years ago by Nemoxyz DL_LAST_UPDATE: and last edited 3 years ago by Nemoxyz Bootloader OpenPli on Zgemma Star H2 - posted in Enduser support: Hi Friends.27) Installation instructions: Double-click the downloaded. Scompatta la cartella ' zgemma ' ed inseriscila all'interno di una pendrive vuota e formattata FAT32. ZGemma Star H2 bloccato con LED rosso fisso.Ho provato a fare il flash con cypress, viene completato perfettamente, ma niente, resta led rosso fisso, senza nessun segno di boot. When new releases come out, this page will update to contain the latest, so this is a good page to bookmark or link to.
Zgemma bootloader download After a short while you get the message STOP and an IP address.